How to keep going when the going gets tough!

Starting a new business can be so exciting in the beginning. There’s amazing energy. We see all the possibilities and no problems, and then it happens…the crash. Things aren’t going exactly the way you envisioned. Everything begins to feel hard, and the doubts come. Is this real? Can I really do this? Am I kidding myself?

The first thing to know is: you’re not alone. Starting a business is risky, but it’s worth it when you learn how to be consistent and persistent.

Here are some things to do when the messy middle part happens:

  1. Remind yourself of your “why”. You likely started this new endeavor because you wanted a change in your life. Did you write it down? Do you have friends who encourage you and hold you accountable? Reach out and reconnect with them. Make a vision board and put it somewhere you can see it every day.
  2. Take a break. Get outside and get some fresh air. Set a timer and take a breath. Listen to your favorite song. Get off the self-destructive thought train.
  3. Get clear on what you need to do…and then just keep on swimming.
  4. Develop a tracking system. Track the little, daily things that you need to do to be successful. Things like keeping-in-touch emails, networking events, posting on social media, writing newsletters, etc. Create a tracking system that works for you and start tracking your progress. Consistency is the key to success. Sometimes people are watching to see if you’re going to stick with it.
  5. Find a community of like-minded people. When I was starting my business, I reached out and got advice from those who were authentic and were already successful. It helps to know you’re not alone in your struggle. Also, being in a community helps you shift your focus from anxiety about problems to coming up with solutions to those problems.

The key to success is consistency and persistence! Continue putting yourself in front of people, it will build trust…and the right people will find you.

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