Things I Can’t Live Without: YouTube

Tips for business
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

YouTube is my reliable go-to when work gets tricky. Colleagues, forums, and customer service have their limits, but YouTube? It’s my ace in the hole.

Sure, we’ve all spent time in the realm of cute animal videos, the latest controversies, and news you can’t find on mainstream TV, but have you thought about it as a work tool?

YouTube isn’t just a hub for entertaining clips and beauty tips. It’s a treasure trove of how-tos, DIY guides, and expert advice. Need to fix a leaky faucet? YouTube. Want to master Excel pivot tables? YouTube. The possibilities are endless.

One of the best features for me is I can watch it on my big-screen TV while simultaneously working on my laptop. It’s almost like being back in school and learning in real-time. 

So, the next time you hit a work hurdle, skip the frustration and give YouTube a try. You might be surprised how many problems you can solve for you and your clients. 

How do you use YouTube for your business? Hit reply and share your Ideas.

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