If you’re like me, you like to keep on top of things…always thinking several steps ahead. While that can be a good thing, sometimes it becomes a habit that’s difficult to shut off. We know we need to take a break and refresh, but the fear of losing our productivity is real.
The thought of taking a break when you’re overwhelmed is counter-intuitive, but breakthroughs and major growth come as you learn how to leverage your time away.
Here are some tips to help you step off the merry-go-round of thought and rest so you can come back refreshed.
Prepare what you can ahead of time. For example: I publish my newsletter every other Tuesday so recently I was on a cruise from Saturday morning to Monday morning. I prepared my newsletter ahead of time, so it wouldn’t roll around in my mind while I was trying to relax.
All I had to do upon my return was proofread my newsletter and send it off on Tuesday morning. I was able to put it out of my mind, knowing it was taken care of. It truly helped me relax and be in the moment while on the cruise.
Have a game plan for when you come back. It takes time for vacation me to shift back into work me. Give yourself some time after you return to debrief and prepare yourself to re-enter your work life.
Schedule time to reorganize yourself before you jump back in. Check your calendar to see what your biggest priorities are for the week. Block those out first and then see if there are any extras you can plug in. This will ensure important things don’t fall through the cracks.
Be gentle with yourself and be flexible with your schedule. When I came back from the weekend cruise, I found myself deeply exhausted. So, I set certain priorities for things that needed to be done and gave myself permission and time to rest when my body was calling for it. I also gave myself permission to do things that come more easily first, like writing keep-in-touch emails or writing a rough draft of my next newsletter.
Following these tips will help you make the most of your time away and make your re-entry into your business the best it can be.
What tips do you use to help you make the most of your time away from your business?