Animals have healing powers for me. As an introvert, I value my alone time, and running a small business can make it difficult to carve out time for ourselves.
Several years ago, my daughter and I had a pet-sitting business. We enjoyed giving our clients the ability to take worry-free vacations knowing their furry loved ones were having a staycation of their own. It was a win/win for us, we were paid for doing something we truly enjoyed.
It lasted for several years and then our lives changed and it was time to move into new territory. I am forever grateful for the years we had in this challenging but rewarding business.
These days, we only pet sit for very good friends once in a while, and it offers a break from the day-to-day. This week, I had the pleasure of hanging out with these cuties and got to take some time to refresh and slow down the pace a bit.
What do you do to carve out time for yourself when the day-to-day gets a little crazy?