Things I’m Grateful For: The GRT Community

Brea Woodson Founder of GRT Marketing
Brea Woodson Founder of GRT Marketing
Running a small business isn’t for sissies! It challenges you in ways you never anticipated. There are days the voices in your head make you want to give up, or play small. How do you keep your focus when you’re struggling to scale and feel pulled in several directions at once?What’s the answer?

Collaboration is the answer. Finding those who resonate with you and your values. The first community I found when starting out was the VA Connection led by Belinda Sandor. 

As my business is growing and branching out, I’ve found another amazing community, the GRT(Gain, Retain, Thrive) Community led by Brea Woodson. She stands out from the pack with over 25 years of experience in marketing and has developed a community for a low monthly fee. She provides amazing value, support, and accountability to those looking to raise the bar on their marketing.

If you’re interested in joining, you can use this link.

Do you find yourself struggling with overwhelm? What are your go-to tricks?