Supercharge Your Networking by Maximizing Your Virtual Coffee Chats

A cup of coffee with notepad and pen
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

How to Make the Most of Your Virtual Coffee Chats

Recently I was invited to be a guest on a podcast. When I accepted, the host sent me a list asking for key items to make the event a success for both of us. This got me thinking, maybe I could use this technique to help maximize my one-to-one meetings

One of the ways to make the most of our virtual one-to-one meetings is by optimizing the settings on your calendar scheduler. This simple adjustment allows you to set the tone for each conversation before it even begins. With just a few key questions, you can ensure that both you and your guest are ready for a productive and meaningful chat.

Here’s why it works so well:

1) Set Expectations Early

By adding 1 or 2 specific questions to your scheduler, you can set expectations for the meeting right from the start. For example, you might ask your guest what their goal is for the conversation or if they have any particular topics to discuss. 

This allows both of you to come prepared and ensures your time together is focused and purposeful. Simply go into your calendar scheduling tool (like TidyCal, Calendly, or another favorite) and customize the booking form to include a question or two about the meeting’s intent.

2) Build a Connection Before You Even Meet 

Using pre-meeting questions is a great way to build rapport with your guests before you get on the call. When someone takes the time to share a little bit about themselves or their needs, it helps break the ice and creates a sense of connection

You can personalize your questions to reflect the type of relationship you hope to build, whether it’s a business partnership, a mentorship, or a casual networking chat. 

3) Keep Things on Track, Naturally

We all know how easy it is for a casual conversation to go off on a tangent, especially when you’re both passionate about your work. Having those pre-set expectations, helps you keep things on track without feeling rigid. You can flow in your conversation and still keep to the key points. 

Plus, it shows your guest that you respect their time. I’ve found referencing the answers provided during scheduling guides the conversation and ensures we make the most of our time together.

How to Get Started

To implement this strategy, head to your calendar scheduler settings (whether it’s TidyCal, Calendly, or another tool you prefer). 

  • Find the option that allows you to add custom questions to your booking forms. 
  • Add your customized questions. Are there certain goals you’d like to know about ahead of time? Any specific topics that should be covered? 
  • Add these questions, and you’re ready to go!

By taking just a few moments to set up your scheduler with intention, you’ll find that your virtual coffee chats are not only more efficient but also more meaningful. It’s a simple strategy that can yield big results, both for your business and your relationships.