It’s never a good time to get sick. So, when those times strike me, I try to have my go-to survival kit ready to go. I’m not a fan of doctors or pills, so my arsenal is loaded with a few natural remedies that have me back on my feet in no time.
The first thing is ACF, from Buried Treasure. It’s the heavy hitter and has brought me through times of bronchitis and pneumonia. It’s partnered with oregano oil, raw, local honey and a new addition is Ultimate IgG.
This is a powerhouse of natural products that partner with my body and help me bounce back without the use of antibiotics, steroids, or the dreaded doctor visit. Along with giving my body the rest it needs and drinking lots of water, I’m usually back on my feet quicker than in years past.
Do you have a go-to survival kit when you get caught by the “bug” that’s going around?