In the last post, we talked about setting your goals. This time we’re going to dive into how to find accountability to keep you moving forward with your goals.
Have you set goals and now you’re wondering how to start making them a reality? It’s easy to let the “Chicken Chatter” get to you.
One of my mentors, Belinda Sandor talks all about “Chicken Chatter”. What is “Chicken Chatter”? Belinda describes it as the constant voices we all have in our heads that sound like chickens.
These voices make us question ourselves and our goals. If we are just starting out or simply looking to move to a new level in our business.
What are the voices saying to you?
It’s too late for me or I’ve tried and failed before, I don’t have enough time or I got off track and now have to start all over. These voices will take you down a road of inactivity, waste valuable time, and keep you from moving forward if you let them.
So how do we overcome these voices and get back into action?
Take a step back and look at your goal. Does it fit the 5 things we discussed in the last post (here)? Learning to set achievable goals is a skill that takes practice.
One of the things that I struggled with was finding ways to hold myself accountable. When you work for someone else, there’s accountability with your boss or co-workers, but when you’re in business for yourself it’s easy to let the everyday things slide.
How do we set ourselves up with accountability?
Here are some steps to help hold yourself accountable:
Find a group to connect with. When I was starting my business, I was fortunate to find a group to connect, learn and grow with. A group can be local, like-minded businesspeople or it can be an online group. The key is to stay connected and visible in the group.
Find a safe group committed to sharing successes and failures without judgment. The group can meet in person or virtually. We all need a kick in the pants now and then. Our group offers 3 or 4 times a week where we can connect live and share our wins and struggles. When we find a group of others willing to cheer us on and call us out when we aren’t doing what we said we would do, it keeps us moving forward.
Find an accountability buddy. This has been the biggest motivator for me. I connected one on one with someone else who has skin in the game. We keep in contact at least weekly via email and then monthly we have a Zoom call. Having someone you are personally connected to that’s committed to their goals too is a great way to keep yourself accountable.
Accountability will help you keep in action when you want to hide or quit. It reminds us we aren’t alone, and that we can accomplish our goals. Accountability helps to quiet the voices in our heads and increases our chances of success.
The most important thing is to know you aren’t alone and don’t give up! Next week we’ll talk about how to focus on the progress we’ve made even when we have missed the mark on a goal.
What are your voices saying? Do you know someone that you can partner with for accountability and encouragement?